What is a "Recipient Requested Field" ?

A Recipient Requested Field is a field that will be requested from the recipient in question. This will allow you to request information from the recipient and populate in on the document. For example, there is a need to know if the recipient has any allergies...

What does the fields for a "Recipient Requested Field" mean/do?

  • The "Field Name" will appear on the portal for the recipient to understand what is requested.
  • The "Field Type" will allow you to request specific answers, such as, TEXT, ATTACHMENT...
  • The "Required" will allow you to mark if a answer must be given for this "Recipient Requested Field" or they cannot complete the portal request.
  • The "Font Typeallows you to specify the font of the text.
  • The "Font Size" allows you to specify the size of the text.
  • The "Alignment Type" allows you to specify if the text should be right alligned, center or left alligned.